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07 / Juin / 2020
comPETence / PETplanet

Laser engraving adds value to beverage closures

Laser engraving brings new marketing opportunities for beverage brands, with RETAL collaborating with global customers to make easy to read and cheap to incorporate closure solutions.
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02 / Juin / 2020

Can’t come to RETAL? RETAL can come to…

[:en]With all visits to the RETAL PA factory in Donora cancelled due to coronavirus, the team decided to make a virtual tour instead...bringing RETAL to the community.
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02 / Juin / 2020
Business Focus / Manufacturing Today


With all visits to the RETAL PA factory in Donora cancelled due to coronavirus, the team decided to make a virtual tour instead…bringing RETAL to the community.
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22 / Mai / 2020

Of course Design for Recycling makes sense

Committing to a circular economy needs acceptance that our cumulative efforts will repay us ten-fold, rather than promoting it as 'someone should do something'. Design for Recycling is better for everyone. We can all do something.
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18 / Mai / 2020
comPETence / Business Focus

RETAL: Design for Recycling makes sense

Committing to a circular economy needs acceptance that our cumulative efforts will repay us ten-fold, rather than promoting it as 'someone should do something'. Design for Recycling is better for everyone. We can all do something.
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14 / Mai / 2020
Packaging Europe

Live! Coronavirus coverage:packed food manufacturers turn to direct-to-consumer…

Renata Smataviciene, EU & US Quality Director at RETAL recently spoke with Packaging Europe about the effects the pandemic is having on her company.
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30 / Avr / 2020
Sustainable Plastics

Design to recycle: the changing sound of the…

The plastic packaging industry will, like every other industry, have a 'before coronavirus' and an 'after coronavirus'. Having been largely positioned as part of the essential food supply chain during the global pandemic, it will thankfully not have suffered the same dramatic financial impact as many other sectors, yet this does not mean that impact has not been felt.
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29 / Avr / 2020

RETAL donates customised film for coronavirus masks

RETAL is delighted to be able to donate customised film and expertise to the innovative Robotikos Mokykla to help create over 70,000 masks for healthcare professionals on the frontline of the coronavirus.
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28 / Avr / 2020
Manufacturing Journal

RETAL utilises Quality Management protocol during coronavirus

While nobody predicted the global coronavirus pandemic, now it's here we can make sure to learn lessons that support and strengthen our businesses from now on. Part of the 'new normal' will be to ensure that heightened best practice is maintained across manufacturing, helping to protect our people and our profits.
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